Hey hey! A Blog Introduction
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Hi there peeps of the internet world! I've always flirted with the idea of getting a blog but have put it off forever, thinking I had nothing interesting to contribute to the blogosphere or anything of interest I had to say has probably already been covered by somebody else. But you know what? What does it matter? So I'm really late to the game but I thought it would be fun to give it a shot anyway. So anyway, I'm Suzanne and I'm a bit of a modaholic. By that, I mean a Modcloth-aholic. I tried to get Mod Maniac as a Blogger name but it was taken. BOO TO THAT. Instead I chose "A Coin For the Well." The reason I chose this is it's the title of an EP by Fan Death (and is also part of the lyrics of the song "Reunited.") This song is actually what initially broke me of my fashion rut, what inspired me to stop dressing in head to toe Hello Kitty and take chances with my wardrobe. Check out the video here. That's all for me folks! Talk soon :)
Hello Kitty for the win! Well, I wouldn't know as I don't have any Hello Kitty clothing, but I certainly have lots of HK knick-nacks, stationary and the like. But that's not so surprising because I'm obsessed with anything cute and kawaii, as well as vintage. It's an odd combination, but what can you do. (> U <)
bonita of Lavender & Twill